The next morning, we had a crepe with granola, honey and fruits for breakfast and a cup of coffee while Dave was working. We left Whitefish with new funny socks for Dave and a pretty denim jacket with sewed flowers for me… J We got a sandwich on our way to Glacier National Park in Columbia Falls. We checked in around 3pm and we met a ranger lady who lived eleven winters in Antarctica. Dave was very happy to talk with her. We went swimming in the lake at the picnic area with Jack after we checked the campsite of the French girl but she was gone. After that we got dinner at our campsite and we went on a road where, apparently, wildlife was that the old man of the pub talked about. We met an incredible family with a flat tire. They were from Victoria, Texas and they used to come up there for vacations. They broke their jack so Dave helped them while I was doing the conversation with the mum and her two daughters. They gave us a lot of tips for our trip and some Turkey Jerky from where they live. Before I jumped in the van, one of the young girl came to me and gave me a handmade notebook from Guatemala. They turned back while we were waiting for them on the side of the road. I took a picture of them when they arrived to us and the mum gave her driver’s prayer!!! We were so thankful and so were they. After that we continued the road and we admired the colors of the sunset through the long and thin trees. We took a lot of pictures of Siouxsie. We didn’t see any wildlife but it was a beautiful night anyway.

The next morning, June 13th, we went on a hike to Avalanche Lake. It was pouring rain almost from the beginning to the end. My phone didn’t survive after that. It was beautiful and we met a lot of people only on the way back. After that, we drove until East Glacier Park and we stopped at Two Medicine Grill to have lunch. We also bought some rice to try to save my phone but it was already too late. We decided to drive back to West Glacier where our campsite was and we went to have a drink and some reading next to the fire at Lake McDonald Lodge. We finally had a nice and unusual dinner at the restaurant. A bottle of wine, a cup of soup, a charcuterie plate, a side of mash potatoes and a side of broccoli and cauliflowers. It was perfect… to keep some place for a huckleberry pie to finish our night.